Share Your Feedback

We strongly value feedback and input from the community.

By Having Your Say, you provide the Council with vital information that assists in influencing projects, plans, strategies and more.

Council values and acknowledges all feedback from the community and wishes to thank you in advance for your input.

Have Your Say - Road Hierarchy Review

In 2022 Council undertook Community consultation to review both the Road Management Plan and the Road Hierarchy. 

The consultation process consisted of face-to-face meetings, an online survey using a media platform and the opportunity to submit submissions via the post.  

Council received feedback throughout the community consultation process that has informed the development of the Road Management Plan 2022-2025 and the review of the Road Hierarchy 2023-2025.  

Council adopted the Road Management Plan revision on 29 June 2023, and the Road Hierarchy (stage 1) revision on 25 October 2023.  

Stage 2 of the Road Hierarchy revision has included specific hierarchy classification changes to roads and streets based on updated categories adopted in the Road Hierarchy from Stage 1.  

Stage 2 of the Road Hierarchy consultation process aims to obtain feedback from the community regarding the proposed changes to the hierarchy, in relation to specific roads and streets based on the category review. 

Below is a copy of the Road Hierarchy – Classifications for Roads, along with a proposed list of roads to be upgraded, downgraded, recommended for future review, and no further action recommended or required.  

The community will have an opportunity to review the documentation and provide feedback in relation to the proposed changes.  The consultation period is now open and will conclude on Friday 02 August 2024.  


Draft documents:

Road Hierarchy 2023-2025 Stage-2 Road Assessments for Consultation(PDF, 76KB)

Pages from Road Hierarchy 2023-2025(PDF, 29KB)


Submit your feedback via our online form here


Supporting documentation:

List of Works Completed Since 2022(PDF, 67KB)

List of Works - Tree Issues and Trimming(PDF, 70KB)

Road Management Plan 2022-2025(PDF, 3MB)

Road Hierarchy 2023-2025(PDF, 6MB)


If you wish to discuss the contents of this letter, please do not hesitate to contact Vanessa Lantzakis, Acting Manager Assets during business hours on 03 53 98 0100 or via email at  


Have Your Say - Draft Local Laws

Council is reviewing our General Local Law No.5 and we want to hear from you about how we can keep Yarriambiack Shire clean, safe and presentable. Each municipality in Victoria creates a Local Law, designed to protect the local amenity as well as regulate activities on council-controlled land and roads.

Considerable time has been spent on developing the new Draft Local Law so that it responds to the needs of residents in our communities. Your opportunity to provide feedback and help shape these community laws is open for 28 days, closing at 5pm on 26 July 2024. 

Draft Local Law Documentation:

Draft Local Law Summary(PDF, 128KB)

2024 Local Laws(PDF, 725KB)

Local Law Guideline(PDF, 24MB)


Share your feedback via our online form here


Have Your Say - Draft Master Environment Strategy

The Yarriambiack Shire Council is developing a Master Environment Strategy. Our goal is to set a clear direction that will guide our planning and decision-making to ensure we meet community expectations regarding environmental sustainability in the coming decade.

The strategy covers three key themes:
  • Waste, Recycling and Resource Recovery
  • Environment – Water, Land and Biodiversity
  • Climate Action – Adaptation, Mitigation and Renewable Energy
The Draft Master Environment Strategy is now open for community consultation. Council invites feedback from the community, concluding at 5pm Thursday 8 August 2024.


Share your feedback via our online form here

Have Your Say - Hopetoun and Beulah Early Years Services

Hopetoun and Beulah Early Years Services

Residents of Hopetoun and Beulah are encouraged to provide their input on the proposed changes during the public consultation period starting Thursday, July 25, 2024. The feedback window will be open for 28 days and closes at 9am on August 22, 2024. Community members can either submit their thoughts online via the online form below, or mail a written response to the Chief Executive Officer at PO Box 243 Warracknabeal Vic 3393.


Have your say via our online form here


Summary - proposed changes to Hopetoun and Beulah Early Years Services:


In April 2024, the Hopetoun Uniting Vic Tas Early Learning Centre regretfully had to temporarily shut its doors, due to a lack of available qualified staff.


Tammy Smith, Chief Executive Officer, Yarriambiack Shire Council confirmed “that since the doors closed, Uniting has devoted considerable efforts to attracting new personnel. However, amidst a notable shortage of skilled professionals affecting Early Childhood Education and Care Centres nationwide, the centre's reopening continues to be delayed”.  


Paula Clarke, Senior Manager Early Learning Operations for Uniting Vic Tas confirmed that “Uniting offers Kindergarten and Childcare across Victoria and Tasmania, and Hopetoun’s struggles are not an isolated case.  On a daily basis, we are facing staff shortages, and temporary room and centre closures across many of our services”.  “It is a continuous balancing act, of trying to keep as many places open as possible, to assist families who desperately need childcare services” stated Mrs. Clarke.


Mrs. Smith said, "although Yarriambiack Shire Council does not run childcare services, it has been actively talking with Uniting to come up with ideas for reopening the services in a way that is sustainable and meets community needs in the long term."


Mrs. Smith stated that “a co-located model hosting both sessional kindergarten and childcare services, managed by one provider within the same establishment, stands as the most viable strategy for the future and is the optimal path for the centre's reopening going forward.”  “This model enables greater flexibility assisting with staff-to-child ratios and meeting safety standards”, stated Mrs. Smith.


This would mean, one provider would operate both the sessional kindergarten service currently operated by Yarriambiack Shire, and the Childcare Service currently operated by Uniting. 


Conversations have been taking place that include not just Yarriambiack Shire and Uniting but also Wimmera Southern Mallee By5 and the not-for-profit early years services provider Emerge Early Years Services from Grampians, Wimmera Southern Mallee region.  Mrs Smith confirmed, “all parties have been collectively brainstorming and identifying which provider is best placed to reestablish childcare in Hopetoun and operate kindergarten services in the Hopetoun and Beulah district going forward, with an aim of providing a holistic early childhood education and care model for the community”. Mrs Smith stated, all parties have the best interest of children, families and the community at the forefront of the conversations and want to ensure our communities continue to be supported and thrive”.


Acting Chief Executive Officer, Elicia Napoli from Emerge confirmed that, “all parties recognise that Emerge is best placed, as a locally based, Early Childhood provider to re-open the childcare services and manage kindergarten in the Hopetoun and Beulah district moving forward”.  Ms Napoli stated that Emerge already operates Kindergartens on behalf of Horsham Rural City Council, kindergarten and childcare on behalf of Hindmarsh Shire, and Northern Grampians Shire in Stawell”.  “We are well placed as a locally based, not for profit service provider, to take on the Hopetoun and Beulah services”.

Ms Napoli confirmed that “the Emerge Board of Management has endorsed expanding to take over the service and will work with Yarriambiack Shire and Uniting through the community consultation and possible transfer process”.


Mrs. Smith verified “that on July 24, 2024, the Yarriambiack Shire Council Councillors formally resolved to proceed with the community consultation process of the proposal to hand over the Hopetoun and Beulah combined kindergarten services to Emerge. This decision aligns with the objective of having a single service operator for both childcare and kindergarten services." “With the overarching goal of reopening childcare in Hopetoun," stated Mrs. Smith.


However, Mrs. Smith emphasised there are several obstacles in reopening the childcare.  It has been made clear by Commonwealth Government officials that the Community Child Care Funding Restricted (CCCFR) currently granted to Uniting by agreement is non-transferable. Before lobbying for CCCFR allocation, Emerge must obtain the standard Child Care Subsidy approval. This information is disappointing, yet it will not hinder our unified goal of reopening the centre”.


Mrs Smith confirmed that, “The sessional kindergarten model operating across both Hopetoun and Beulah will continue in 2025, and plans for the pre-prep roll out are currently underway”.  “Families will be invited to participate in an engagement process with both Yarriambiack Shire and Emerge shortly on how this will be implemented” stated Mrs Smith.


In addition, Mrs. Smith stated, "An individual has shown interest in providing In Venue Family Day Care Services from the Hopetoun Early Years Building. They have been informed to consult with local Family Day Care operators for the necessary approval and to initiate the assessment and registration process." Mrs. Smith said, “this option would be supported as a temporary arrangement until childcare can be operational”.


We want to assure families that Uniting, Emerge and Yarriambiack Shire are committed to exploring all options to re-open the service. 

Mrs Smith wished to express her gratitude to Uniting Vic Tas, for placing the best interest of our community at the forefront of their decision making, and for their ongoing support to explore alternative service provision options for our region. 


Mrs Smith also wished to acknowledge Emerge for demonstrating regional leadership for Early Childhood Education Care, with a clear vision to enhance the social health and wellbeing outcomes for our children, families and communities.


Mrs. Smith confirmed, “A community meeting with a strong turnout took place in Hopetoun on Thursday, July 18, 2024, where the proposed plans were presented with representatives from Uniting, Emerge, and the Council present. Another meeting is scheduled with families currently attending the kindergarten during the consultation phase, aiming to inform those who could not attend on July 18.”


Community members who would like further information in relation to this matter are encouraged to contact Tammy Smith, CEO of Yarriambiack Shire Council during business hours.