Footpath Hierarchy
This hierarchy will be used as a tool in the management of all footpaths in the Yarriambiack Shire for which the Yarriambiack Shire has management responsibility. The hierarchy will determine basic standards for the footpaths and will assist Council and its officers to plan for maintenance works and reconstruction works to be carried out in a cost effective manner that provides “best value” for the money spent.
Design Guidelines
Yarriambiack Shire Council utilise the IDM for all design, construction and development processes. Included in this manual are a set of standard drawings.

Road Hierarchy
The Council Road Hierarchy is an essential tool in the management of the local roads for which Council has responsibility. This hierarchy provides direction in the following aspects of road management:
• Target specification for the physical characteristics of the road.
• Frequency of routine maintenance inspections to be carried out on a regular basis by Council staff.
The full Hierarchy and area maps are available to download below.
Road Management Plan
Yarriambiack Shire Council’s Road Management Plan is prepared under the Road Management Act 2004 and the Code of Practice for Road Management Plans.
The purposes of a Road Management Plan under the Act are:-
• to establish a management system for the road management functions of a road authority which is based on policy and operational objectives and available resources; and
• to set the relevant standard in relation to the discharge of duties in the performance of those road management functions.
Under the Act, the contents of a Road Management Plan:-
• may set relevant standards or policies in relation to the discharge of duties in the performance of road management functions;
• may include details of the management system that a road authority proposes to implement in the discharge of its duty to inspect, maintain and repair public roads for which the road authority is the coordinating road authority or the responsible road authority;
• may specify the relevant policies and priorities adopted by the road authority;
• must include any matters that a relevant Code of Practice specifies should be included in a road management plan.
The Road Management Plan and Roads Register is available to download below.
Road Management Strategy
The purpose of this strategy is to protect and enhance the environmental, amenity and cultural values of road reserves, while maintaining the functional amenity of the road.